
Supervision and technical assistance

Fael Security

The supervision services implemented by the Fael Production unit cover all phases, notably:

  • the evaluation of the yards with in-depth reconnaissance,
  • the design selection and approval,
  • the recruitment of qualified and expert staff for the installation which is coordinated by specialists in charge of monitoring and relating to the site management,
  • meet the work plan deadline and the intervention means as scheduled.

Installation training courses


On request by fire doors branch employees, Fael Security srl organizes classes for installers, technicians and firefighters aiming at training and qualifying for proper installation and maintenance fire locks and doors in escape routes.

The training aim is to properly spread the specific aspects and details concerning escape systems with CE marking of fire doors branch. Starting from the analysis of regulations aspects, we will focus on practical aspects of sizing, choosing, installing and doing maintenance; last but not least there will be a follow up on requirements and tests which are mandatory for those doors.

The workshop addresses mainly to:

  • mechanical technicians which deals with this field;
  • maintenance fire prevention companies ;
  • construction companies and building site directors ;
  • general buyers;
  • technical and design offices, experts;
  • building managers;
  • safety managers;
  • fire proof manufacturers;




Fire doors installing or maintenance means taking on specified fulfillment and responsibilities. The company owner where a fire door is installed has to be aware of risks that non properly installed fire doors could provoke or in the event the mandatory procedure is not scheduled periodically. Furthermore, both the technician and the manufacturer have to work properly according to the current regulation, including the “management” of fire doors complementary paperwork. In this regard the UNI 11473 regulation has been published “Fire resistance and/or smoke control doors and openable windows. Requirements for services supply of installation and maintenance” which represents an important law achievement for fire doors installers and maintenance workers and it becomes part of  “art rule”. So that the idea of “qualified workers”, already demanded by Ministerial Decree no. 4 of  10 march 1998 annex VI, has got a deep meaning. Fire doors technicians and maintenance workers have available a relevant legislation which provides straight rules; therefore they will have to be properly trained.


Riccardo Romanin

Project Engineer - R&D Manager
+39 0831 1794444
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security
Fael Security